Levels of Technology Use in Classrooms
There are at least three levels of technology use in classrooms; incorporation, integration and infusion. I have created definitions for each level, but they are unique and will not be found in the literature. See what you think:
Incorporation Technology is used in the lesson in place of other tools. E.G., notes are made on a computer and projected vis a vis writing the notes on a white/black board.
Integration Technology is an integral part of the lesson and the lesson would be different without the integration of technology. E.G., students gather information from a variety of sources and include it in a power point presentation which is presented to the rest of the class.
Infusion Technology is the method by which the lesson is learned and the lesson could not be accomplished without the technology. E.G., students do a web search for information which they down load into a student-developed, teacher-approved format to be shared with other students in the class.
Clearly, we have a number of instructional staff members who are utilizing technology at the incorporation level in their classrooms. Very few are comfortable with the infusion level of use, at least not as the defining method in their classrooms. Some get to this level with individual learning activities, but not consistently.
Our district has the equipment and infrastructure to support all three levels of technology use and we should try to move toward the infusion level of use as quickly as possible. See if you can determine the level of technology use in the classrooms you walk over the next few weeks. It might give you some ideas for inclusion in your Campus Action Plan.
Incorporation Technology is used in the lesson in place of other tools. E.G., notes are made on a computer and projected vis a vis writing the notes on a white/black board.
Integration Technology is an integral part of the lesson and the lesson would be different without the integration of technology. E.G., students gather information from a variety of sources and include it in a power point presentation which is presented to the rest of the class.
Infusion Technology is the method by which the lesson is learned and the lesson could not be accomplished without the technology. E.G., students do a web search for information which they down load into a student-developed, teacher-approved format to be shared with other students in the class.
Clearly, we have a number of instructional staff members who are utilizing technology at the incorporation level in their classrooms. Very few are comfortable with the infusion level of use, at least not as the defining method in their classrooms. Some get to this level with individual learning activities, but not consistently.
Our district has the equipment and infrastructure to support all three levels of technology use and we should try to move toward the infusion level of use as quickly as possible. See if you can determine the level of technology use in the classrooms you walk over the next few weeks. It might give you some ideas for inclusion in your Campus Action Plan.
Dr. C - please add RSS so I don't have to remember to go to this blog
I check bloglines nearly every day and will see you there
True technology integration is a difficult thing. You might want to look at Moersch's LoTi Levels (http://www.loticonnection.com/lotilevels.html)
Incentives to be risk takers are always a plus. We may need to look at the campus and district levels to see where we can "bribe" teachers to take these types of risks.
Direct support is also extremely important. Teachers need someone on campus, available to help troubleshoot, team teach and plan, and train. I hope we can eventually move back towards that model.
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